Kindergarten Information
I thoroughly enjoyed meeting each of you and your children at our opening
day conferences! I am very much looking forward to working with your child
as they embark on the beginnings of their formal education. This year will be
full of celebrations in learning and growth with your child and family.
Below you will find a variety of useful information about our classroom and
school routines.
As mentioned during our meeting, all important news and student work will be
sent home in the communication duotang sealed in your child’s “pochette”. All
important forms/notes from you should be sent to school in the in the same
communication duotang. Please help your child develop the responsibility of
bringing his/her “pochette” to school each day.
Each month I will send home a newsletter and calendar sharing important
dates, activities, and the curriculum/themes that we will be studying.
Our class blog ( ), private
Instagram account (@mmebruneaumaternelle) and Seesaw app will also be
great communication tools this year. You will receive an email with more
details on how to access Seesaw on Thursday, September 13 th .
If you have any questions or concerns, please send a note in your child’s
communication duotang, send me an email ( ) or call the
school (853-7929). I will make every effort to respond the same day.
Did you know that 4 grams of sugar is equivalent to 1 teaspoon of sugar?!
Please be mindful of this when sending snacks and read the labels. A healthy,
nutritious snack is essential to keep your child fuelled until their next meal.
Please send healthy snacks such as fruit, vegetables, cheese and crackers,
yogurt, granola bars and water.
We will begin the year eating snacks as a whole group, once in the morning
and once in the afternoon. As the children come to understand the
expectations during snack time, it will become something that they make the
choice to do during exploration time. Please ensure that they can eat their
snack independently. Taking the time to practice opening and closing
containers or Ziploc bags, or putting their containers into their lunch bag at
home can be very helpful!
There are no allergies in our classroom.
Water Bottles
Please send a filled water bottle to school with your child each day. It
should be brought to and from school on a daily basis so that it can be kept
clean and filled. If each child has their own water bottle we will avoid
lengthy line-ups at the water fountain and students will be well hydrated.
Clothing & Shoes
Please label your child’s shoes, boots, jacket, and all other outdoor clothing.
We paint, glue and play actively in Kindergarten so it is best to send your
child in play clothes rather than dress clothes (picture day and special
occasions are the exception).
Your child needs a pair of outdoor shoes and indoor shoes that fit properly.
If your child’s shoes have laces, please ensure that they are able to
efficiently tie their own shoes. It can be dangerous for students to be
walking with their shoelaces undone and it is not possible to tie each
student’s shoes multiple times throughout the day.
Please ensure your child is dressed appropriately for weather conditions as
we will be outside for recesses as well as outdoor learning time.
There is no bathroom or water fountain in our kindergarten classroom. The
children are allowed to go to the washroom as the need arises and will be
allowed to take a buddy for the first month as they familiarize themselves
with the school. Sometimes however they may wait too long to ask or they
may become too involved in an activity to remember to go to the washroom.
For this reason, please keep a spare change of clothes in your child’s
backpack at all times in case of an accident.
Your child attends school every school day 2, 4 & 6.
9:00 School Begins
10:15 Fifteen Minute Morning Recess
11:45 Lunch
12:10 Thirty-five Minute Lunch Recess
2:00 Fifteen Minute Morning Recess
3:30 School Ends
Mrs. Carter (Literacy Support) teaches us for a period every Day 2.
We have Library with Mme Lodge every Day 2 &;4.
We have Music with Mme Craigen every Day 4.
Mrs. Anderson (Art & Literacy Support) teaches us for a period every Day 4.
We have Phys. Ed. with Mme Colwell every Day 6.
During our day we will have a morning meeting, carpet time, learning centres,
story time and explorations.
“Play is the highest form of research” –Albert Einstein
Play is essential to healthy child development. Play provides opportunities
for children to practice what they are learning, develop and test theories,
use their imagination, think creatively, solve problems, in addition to gaining
and practicing social skills. Explorations time is a time where your child will
have their choice of how they would like to play. Opportunities for play
include the kitchen centre, office/art centre, blocks/building centre,
science centre, library centre, light-table centre, sand and water table
centre, as well as many other provocations and invitations which will be set
up to stimulate your child’s curiosities.
Absences & Transportation Changes
If your child will be absent for any reason, please notify the office as soon
as possible. If you are planning a holiday, please let me know as soon as
possible so I can plan your child’s learning and assessment accordingly.
Should your son or daughter require a bus or a pick up change in their
transportation routine, it is imperative that a note be sent to school with
your child or that you contact the office in advance. If you are picking up
your child from school, you must sign them out at the office. This assists in
ensuring a smooth exit for everyone at the end of the school day.
There are a number of ways that you can volunteer during your child’s year
at school; field trips, classroom help, class parties, help from home, hot
lunch, etc. If you are interested in volunteering this year, you must have
a child abuse registry check completed through the school. This process
can take some time to complete, so please, fill out the paperwork as soon as
possible. Volunteer opportunities will begin in October once routines have
been established; we would love to have you be a part of our learning!
Birthday snacks:
If you wish to send a special snack for your child’s birthday, please just let
me know in advance so I can plan for it during the day. Fruits and vegetables
can be enjoyed by everyone and are healthy for your growing children. If you
send something else, please ensure that it is small and doesn’t require extra
preparation for distribution (suggestions include: cookies, cupcakes, or
Birthday invitations:
If you would like to send out Birthday invitations, please email me and let me know that the invitations are in your
child’s backpack. I will hand them out discretely to prevent hurt feelings, i.e.
some children are invited and others are not.
Classroom Celebrations
Throughout the school year, we will have 4 class parties around the themes
1) Halloween
2) Winter holidays/Christmas
3) Valentine’s Day
4) End of the year
I would appreciate your help in providing a snack for one of the parties.
More information, including a sign-up sheet will be sent home on Thursday,
September 13th .
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